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Meet our guest trainers
Jim Dobson Bio

Jim started martial arts at the age of 5, TAE KWON DO under Reggie Neilson in Windsor. Jim studied under Mr. Neilson until the age of 16 receiving black belt.

Jim switched to ISSHINRYU to train with friends at same dojo. Jim's instructor was Mr. Lamon Kersey. At 18 Jim joined the army. Every chance he could he trained at the dojo or Mr. Kerseys house learning as much as possible.

Jim first joined the Royal Canadian Regiment and was soon able to realize a life long dream and joined the Canadian Airborne Regiment (1988) In 1994 Jim returned to the R.C.R. until 1997 Jim continued martial arts training and achieved the rank of 5th dan.

He competed in full-contact karate for a number of years and eventually started teaching at his own dojo. In 2005 Jim was given the opportunity to fight pro in KING OF THE CAGE and became a MMA junkie from that day on. He has a 20-6 record in the last two years fighting all over north America. Some higher profile opponents have been Dan Severn who Jim defeated and Wessley Cabbage Correira. Unfortunately Wes won.

Jim is currently the alternate heavyweight on the International Fight Leagues Anaconda's. Jim's goal is to reach 205 pounds and be the #1 light heavy weight on the team.








